iBridge Foundation 美国爱桥基金会

iBridge Talk Together with ACAP

Newmedia Press Conference

As an iBidge Foundation New Year initiative, iBridge Foundation is is proud to launch the first Chinese science education platform in the United States featuring renowned Chinese American physicians in the community to share knowledge and facilitate full recovery in the post-pandemic period – the iBridge Talk— Now Health Time.

On February 13, Sunday afternoon, iBridge Foundation together with ACAP held the Newmedia Press Conference virtually. Many media friends attended the meeting including the China Press, World Journal, and other local Press. At the meeting, our community partners also shared their views on the Newmedia Project. Minds from all over the community are supporting our project.

Here is the news report of the Press Conference. Like other Non-Profit-Organization, we need help and donation from the community, in order to produce the resources necessary to support projects and programs. Your support is our strongest motivation!